Sunday 17 August 2014




  1. Robinson Crusoe

    The Robinson Crusoe is Daniel · works of Daniel Defoe's famous novel, focuses on the protagonist due to sea aboard, drifted to uninhabited islands and insisted that stories of life on the island.

    Robinson was born in a respectable merchant family, longing for sailing, wanted to go overseas to see doubled. Without telling his father to sea to London, her first voyage it encountered big waves, ships sunk, he managed to save my life. Set sail for Africa for the second time in business, earned a sum of money. Again for the third time, unfortunately, were Moors captured as a slave. He later rowed his skiff out to escape, was an aircraft en route Portugal rescued by cargo ship. Shipping to Brazil Hou, where he bought an estate, and the Laird. He was not reconciled to this to make money and went to sea again, to the African slave trade.

    The fourth sailing, the ship encountered storms en route, killing all crew and passengers on board, only Robinson survived drifting alone on a deserted island, he used simple tools to make tables, chairs and other furniture, hunting game for food and drinking water in the Creek, and get past the initial difficulties encountered. After Robinson lived alone on the island for 15 years, and one day, he found a footprint on the island coast. Before long, he found human bones, fire, originally a group of savage Islands have human flesh banquets held here. Robinson, with amazement. Since then, he has been vigilant and pay more attention to things around you.

    Until the 24th year, a bunch of savages on the island, ready to kill and eat prisoners. Robinson discovered, rescued by one of them. Because it's a Friday, so Robinson saved savage was named the "Friday". Since then, the "Friday" became Robinson's loyal servant and friend. Then, Robinson with "Friday" rescued a Spanish one and "Friday" father.

    He took the sailors to stay on the island, taking the "Friday" and the captain left the island to return to United Kingdom. Robinson has left 35 (living on the island for 28 years). He was in the United Kingdom was married and had three children. After his wife's death, Robinson went to sea again business, via the desert island where he lived, when sailors to remain on the island and Spain people have settled down live. Robinson was sent to some new immigrants, to give them their land on the island, and leave them with a variety of daily necessities and satisfaction out of the island.
